From Guatemala: we enjoyed the Pannekoeken

Vakantie aan boord van de Elisa

From Guatemala: We enjoyed the Dutch Pannekoeken, Hasta la vista, Au Revoir

Probably the first family from Guatemala, Central America, to rent the Elisa which is also the name of the wife of the skipper. 
Excellent boat and if Yachts4U guarantees this excellent weather we will be back in the near future. 
Such a beautiful week in this marvelous Dutch landscape. Picturesque villages and most of all such friendly Dutch people. PDF
We enjoyed the Dutch Pannekoeken, chocolade hagel and last but not least the "herrings", kibbelingen and all those Dutchs treats. 
Reception by the owners was excellent - THANKS!! 
Hasta la vista - Au Revoir.

Bruderer and van Blerk Family, Skipper Mario rom Guatemala City, Central America.
Huur ook een boot in Friesland

Eén dag vakantie op het water staat gelijk aan twee dagen vakantie op land

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